Cyber police from West Bengal have nabbed two accused in a gang involved in a large-scale fraud with Junagadh-based Mars Bearings Company.
Reportedly, Hiteshbhai Mansukhlal Solanki filed a written application alleging that a large amount of cyber cheating had taken place with him after which an offense was registered and the case was handed over to PSI H.N. Chudasama under the guidance of P.I. K.K. Zala.
The police conducted an investigation and after getting information about the bank account used in the crime and the mobile service provider companies etc., they conducted a thorough analysis and found that the accused involved in the crime was in West Bengal. P.I. SK Gohil and his team of staff were immediately dispatched to West Bengal to investigate.
Among the bank accounts used by the team in the scam, Suklal Talukdar was revealed to be an account holder of Bank of Baroda.