In the backdrop of the massive haul of nearly Rs 25,000 crore-worth drugs seized from Gujarat in the last five years, the Gujarat Pradesh Congress Committee, earlier this week, launched a website to create awareness of the fatal addiction. “Reject Drugs Reject BJP” aims to protect the youth of Gujarat and ban drugs from the state.
At the portal’s inauguration in Ahmedabad, Monday, Congress spokesperson and chairman of the Social and Digital Media Department, Supriya Shrinate asked: “From 2017 to 2022, drugs worth almost Rs 2.5 lakh crore, which is almost similar to Gujarat’s budget, have been seized. Where is the drug coming from?”
Alongside the online address being unveiled, the GPCC also launched a toll number that distressed youth can dial into for counselling. The Congress also demanded the resignation of Minister of State for Home Harsh Sanghavi over the frequent drug seizures. “Following the seriousness and criminal failures to curb the drug trade, Sanghavi should resign immediately from his post, and if he does not resign, then he should be dismissed from the post,” stated Shrinate at a press conference at the GPCC headquarters.
She promised to get the illegal business probed by Central agencies if the party came to power and questioned the silence so far. “Has Modiji framed any guidelines for such ports to stop the import of drugs? Why not? This is a matter of national security and Congress will keep raising this issue. If the Congress comes to power in Gujarat, it will investigate the illegal drugs business in the state through ED, CBI and other agencies,” she said.
“Private ports like Mundra and Pipavav in Gujarat have become gateways to bring drugs into the country. Where are the central agencies—ED, CBI and NCB? This drug trade is not limited till the ports. In the last three months, four factories have been sealed. Drugs are also being manufactured in areas like Vadodara and Bharuch. Seems BJP’s ‘Make in India’ has given the allowance to some to make contrabands in Gujarat too,” she added.
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