Gujarat goes to polls in third phase of Lok Sabha elections 2024 on 7th May. Out of the 25 seats where elections are to be held, 8 seats fall under Saurashtra and Kutch region. The trend of selecting the candidate based on the caste and community calculations, by every party, has not stopped even this time around. At least on four seats, namely Rajkot, Jamnagar, Junagadh and Surendranagar, the caste factor would play a significant role.
This is far cry from the time when peole elected the right candidates by trascending the caste and community lines. There was a time when Minu Masani, a Parsi and Uchhangray Dhebar, a Nagar Brahmin could be elected even with meagre voters from the community they were born into.
The factionalism within Patel community between Leuva and Kadva patidars is attempted to be exploited to the hilt by Congress by fielding Paresh Dhanani, a Leuva Patidar originally from Amreli against Parsottam Rupala, a Kadva Patidar who is in the eye of a storm in wake of Kshtriya agitation.
Similarly in Surendranagar, the political parties have tried to benefit from the friction within the community between Chunvalia Koli and Talpada Koli. BJP has fielded , Chnadubhai Shihora, a Chunvalia Koli while Congress has chosen Rutvikbhai Makwana, a Talpada Koli.
In Jamnagar, Punamben Madam who is in the fray, trying to retain the seat is from Ahir community wheareas Congress has pinned hope on J P Maraviya, a Leuva Patidar. It is signifcant to note that the chairman of Khodal Dham, the important centre of community consolidation for Leuva Patidars across state, has thanked Congress for the decision.
Junagadh will see the electoral battle between Koli community and Ahir Community. BJP chose to repeat Rajesh Chudasama, a Koli leader and Congress has thought it wise to field Hirabhai Jotva, aan Ahir. There has to be internal calculations of both the parties in making the choices they made and most prominnt appears to be Caste factor.
Congress and Aam Admi Party are allies under INDIA alliance and hence there will not be splitting of anti BJP votes which was the case in last Vidhan Sabha election.