Starting her two-day visit to Wayanad after being elected to the Lok Sabha in last week’s by-election, Congress MP Priyanka Gandhi on Saturday stated that the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) disregards “all democratic norms.”
While addressing a public gathering in Mukkam, she said, “There are no rules, no explanations. The behaviour of the BJP knows no democratic norms. Institutions are destroyed. Even our basic faith in the electoral process and in other institutions that held our country together, wavered. Our fight is for the basic values of the Constitution.”
Senior Congress leaders joined Priyanka, including Leader of Opposition Rahul Gandhi, who had referred to himself as the unofficial MP of Wayanad.
Referring to the survivors of the Wayanad landslide, which claimed the lives of nearly 300 people four months ago, Priyanka said, “We require the same kind of courage and tenacity. I had seen how much courage you had given to my brother and you also gave me the same courage. I am here to learn your issues and understand your problems.”
Addressing Gautam Adani’s indictment in the US, Rahul stated, “The Constitution says all people should be treated equally. Prime Minister Modi says Adani is going to be treated different from any other Indian. PM Modi says it does not matter if Adani had been indicted in the US and he was called a criminal in the US, but in India, we will not entitle it.”
Rahul cited the Constitution’s provision of equal treatment for all citizens and all regions of the nation in reference to the postponement of the release of a rehabilitation package for Wayanad landslide victims.
“Prime Minister of India says that regardless of the tragedy Wayanad had faced, I will not give them support that is their due. This is the atmosphere where they are operating. I’m confident that we will defeat the ideology of the BJP,” he said.
Rahul and Priyanka will both go to multiple places within the Wayanad constituency.