The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has launched a fierce attack on the Congress on Monday, accusing Rahul Gandhi of exploiting the death of former Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh for his political gain. They claimed that while the country mourned his passing, Gandhi flew to Vietnam to celebrate the New Year.
In a post on X (formerly Twitter), the BJP’s IT cell head Amit Malviya stated, “Rahul Gandhi has flown to Vietnam to ring in the new year while the country is mourning Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh’s demise.”
He accused Gandhi of politicising and exploiting Dr Singh’s death for his own political gain, adding that his contempt for him is undeniable.
“Sikhs are hated by the Congress and the Gandhis. Remember that the Darbar Sahib was desecrated by Indira Gandhi,” Malviya continued.
In response, the Congress asked when the Sanghis would stop their diversionary politics.
“When will the Sanghis stop this take diversion’ politics?” Congress leader Manickam Tagore responded strongly in a post on X.
He said it was unjust that Prime Minister Narendra Modi prevented Dr Singh from being cremated on the Yamuna banks and that his ministers cornered his family. He responded, “Get well in the new year.”
“If Gandhi travels privately, why does it bother you?” he questioned Malviya.
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