Bhupendra Patel becomes the 17th Chief Minister of Gujarat. BJP office witnessed an atmosphere of utter joy alike festival as soon as his name was announced as the next Chief Minister of Gujarat. The BJP workers along with the supporters of Bhupendra Patel, who will swear-in as the new Chief Minister of Gujarat tomorrow, celebrated with crackers.
The new to be Chief Minister is the Member of Legislative Assembly from Ghatlodiya constituency of Ahmedabad. Ghatlodia, a stronghold of the Patidars, their supporters shared sweets and wished each other.
The Vibes of India team spoke to Bhupendra Patel’s family, who said they were not even aware that he would become the chief minister. He had fafda for breakfast at home in the morning and then he left for the meeting. His family members say that they too came to know that Bhupendra Patel became the Chief Minister through TV. They did not anticipate ever that the new Chief Minister of the state would be Bhupendra Patel.
Earlier in the morning, before reaching Kamalam, he attended a tree plantation programme and planted saplings in his constituency. It seems that his deeds paid off in the evening.
(With inputs from Rushabh Joshi, Saloni Brahmbhatt, Krishna Singh, Kunj Patel)