Gujarat Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel has approved eight Town Planning schemes – five of which are situated in Ahmedabad. While, Bhavnagar and Rajkot get one each and Patan gets Preliminary approval.
With seven drafts TP schemes 72.34 hectares and with Patan’s preliminary scheme 13.97 hectares, in total 86.31 hectares of land will see Urban Development work.
With Draft Town Planning schemes Urban areas will get Infrastructural facilities.
Ahmedabad’s Naroda Town Planning Scheme No.124- A, B, C, D, and Santej TP Scheme No. 153 got approval. In Rajkot TP Scheme No. 25 in Vavdi and Bhavnagar TP scheme No. 28 in Sidsar got approval.
With TP scheme approvals in Ahmedabad, Rajkot, and Bhavnagar 72.34 hectares of land will see Infrastructural development work.
Patan got approval for one Preliminary Scheme. With this decision, 13.97 hectares of land will be acquired for development work.