“Unfold Voyage,” a group show of drawings paintings, sculptures and graphics put forth a spectacular display of art at Amdavad ni Gufa. The collective art show is on till June 5 (4 pm to 8 pm).
The exhibition was inaugurated by artist Surendra Patel. Other dignitaries present included architect Hiren Patel and interior designer Jignesh Shah. Participating artists include Ajay Gohel, Hasmukh Makwana, Jaydev Chosala, Ketan Kanjariya, Priya Pariyani, Raka Panda, Rachana Dave, Ramesh Ranavasiya, Vikas Shiyal.
The show is a promising mount of contemporary art styles bracketed in traditional lines. Each artist has chosen to mount several frames and the display pans over emotions, situations, seasons and landscapes. Elaborating further on the show, artist Priya Pariayni stated: “We are influenced by modern art and each canvas here is a subjective interpretation. Our journeys have been different and hence, art being a narrative of special moments, each piece has something unique to tell.”
Bold lines, blurred backgrounds, riotous canvas and abstract shapes are some recurring themes. Some vignettes of urbane encroachment have been poignantly captured while some sketches of cityscapes are worth a mention. Nature is a recurring motif, either in a bold presence or noticeable absence. Some installations also deserve mention, such as Rachna Dave’s original take on the winged flock. The artists have evidently put thought into the mounts.
Take a look at the display here:
If creativity be your calling, this show is definitely worth your time.
Also Read: Artist Enlivens Shiva’s Magic On Canvas
It’s a really great coverage! Thank you so much Krishna for this detailed coverage and team VIBES OF INDIA for highlighting us.
It’s a really wonderful coverage! Thanks Krishna for the detailed coverage and team VIBES OF INDIA for highlighting us.
Thank you so much wonderful coverage