Amrut Modi, popularly known as Amrut Dada, has resigned from the historic Sabarmati Ashram founded by Mahatma Gandhi, after serving as its secretary for 43 years. The ashram authorities have accepted his resignation and said that he resigned due to age and ill health.
Atul Pandya, director of the Trust, confirmed that Modi’s resignation had been accepted. Pandya said, “Amrutbhai had informed the trust of his decision long ago and we were trying to figure out how to continue his association with the ashram.”
He will continue to be associated with the ashram and its related activities. Modi joined the Sabarmati Ashram Preservation and Memorial Trust (SAPMT) in 1974 and was appointed the ashram’s secretary in 1980. Always dressed in simple khadi clothes, the nonagenarian was the face of the Ashram and a walking encyclopedia on the Ashram’s history for visitors.
The Gujarat government has undertaken an ambitious project to develop Gandhi Ashram and its surrounding area at a cost of Rs 1,200 crore. As a part of this project, the residential rooms of the trust have been moved to other places by giving different types of compensation to the employees of the ashram living there.
With this, visitors from India and abroad will get detailed information about Gandhi’s life.
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