Union Minister Amit Shah held a meeting with Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel and State BJP Chief CR Paatil on Tuesday. The closed-door meeting was held at BJP headquarters Kamalam, Gandhinagar. Shah was on a two-day visit to Gujarat to inaugurate several programmes related to health infrastructure in the State.
Top sources said that Union HM discussed various agitations going on in Gandhinagar. He also asked the state president to strengthen the booth and page committee. The selection of candidates and some disputes amongst the party leaders were also discussed in the meeting.
Of late, AAP convener Arvind Kejriwal and Delhi deputy CM Manish Sisodia are visiting Gujarat with their guarantee schemes. The meeting at Kamalam was also to decide the message and line of communication that the BJP should follow while reaching out to the public. Roadshows, election-related events, and activities to attract varied segments of voters–senior citizens, women, first-time voters etc were also decided.
PM Narendra Modi will visit Gujarat on September 29-30. The whisper is that he will also meet BJP members at Kamalam to motivate them and work on BJP’s strategies for the forthcoming elections.
This BJP meeting comes at a time when Chief Election Commissioner Rajiv Kumar and Election Commissioner Anup Chandra Pandey visited poll-bound Gujarat to review poll preparedness for forthcoming Gujarat elections. They informed about protocols to be followed by political parties. Gujarat is gearing up for the forthcoming elections and all political parties are working on their strategies.