Gender equality is a hot topic these days, interestingly Gujarat has one of the country’s lowest sex ratios. Aditi Rindani from Ahmedabad, received an amicable opportunity to bag a fully sponsored master’s diploma in Iceland.
Under UNESCO, The mission of Gender Equality and Training Programme(GEST) at the University of Iceland is held where they promote gender equality and social justice in low income, conflict and post-conflict countries. Until now, 195 fellows from 34 countries have graduated with a GEST post graduate diploma in international gender equality studies.
When Vibes of India asked her the motive behind the project that why she have chosen this project at the age of 35, were ideally people give a pause to studying, she said “The purpose behind getting this degree is To gain theoretical and academical understanding of the subject and To learn from the experience of fellows from various countries.”
She is a Global Shaper Alumna at the World Economic Forum and was an active part of the project MenTalk at her hub, which aimed at Gender Sensitization. Under this project, the team had planned a Radio Show on the community radio station, Radio Nazariya, to reach out to more people about the cause. Currently she is working with Endeavor Careers’ Branding Team and apart from that, she is the Head of Operations at production house.
However, Gender equality is a topic that is currently being debated and discussed in all areas of contemporary media. Gender equality and empowerment continue to be major drivers in the journey toward an equal, fair, and ethical future for all, both within the fintech industry and throughout society. However, in addition to the obvious benefits for under-represented and under-served individuals in the workforce, advocating for gender equality and empowerment can have a wide range of and often dramatic effects on services, products, and, ultimately, success.
Meanwhile, podcasting is getting more focus when we talk about audio-medium technologies, basically it is similar to a radio show. Aditi’s main focus is towards the same, going hand to hand with technology and educating society. She believes “Gender equality plus audio medium will go equally with entertainment and education”.
Although, Gender is a critical aspect of social discussion, we also need to focus on other aspects of social inclusion. Gender equality is not only a fundamental human right, but a necessary foundation for a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world.
Aditi, started advocating for Gender Equality for more than 10 years now. She takes workshops regarding gender equality and has also been a part of many fellowships and programs. In 2019, she was invited as a speaker to the ‘I, Scientist’ conference in Berlin to talk about Gender in India.
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