A sessions court on Tuesday granted bail to Shankar Mishra, accused of urinating on a woman on board an Air India flight from New York to New Delhi on November 26 last year. On January 6, He was arrested by the Delhi police.
Earlier, the Patiala House court reserved its order on Mishra’s bail petition. Additional sessions judge Harjyot Singh Bhalla on Monday decided to reserve the order and said it will be passed on Tuesday.
On November 26 last year, Mishra, while in an intoxicated condition, had allegedly urinated on a 70-year-old woman in the business class of an Air India flight.
The Delhi police lodged an FIR against him on January 4 on a complaint given by the woman to Air India.
The police registered an FIR under sections 354, 509, and 510 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) and Section 23 of the Indian Aircraft Act. Both the accused and the victim are from outside Delhi.
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