The Ahmedabad crime branch detained two students on Sunday for allegedly flying micro drones over Narendra Modi Stadium during a Coldplay concert. The incident occurred around 8:20 pm, prompting immediate action from law enforcement.
A non-cognisable complaint reported the sighting of two unidentified drones in the airspace above the venue. Crime branch teams, led by constables Janmejaysinh Jasubha and Jasib Sudabhai, swiftly traced the drones’ flight paths and apprehended two men operating them near the stadium.
One of the individuals, a 21-year-old student residing in Ambawadi, was found piloting a DJI drone near the Sabarmati riverfront. According to crime branch officials, the student admitted ownership of the drone, which he purchased from a Gujarat Photo outlet in February last year, claiming its primary use was for photography.
The second individual, a 20-year-old student, confessed that he did not have the requisite approval to operate drones in the area.
Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP) Crime Ajit Rajian told a section of the media, “We will register a case under the Aircraft Act, which includes provisions for penalties of up to Rs 1 crore.”
Further investigation is underway.
Also Read: PM Modi Hails Success of Coldplay Concerts, Urges Investment in ‘Concert Economy’