The Amdavad Municipal Corporation (AMC) on Thursday demolished the illegal structure belonging to notorious history-sheeter and criminal Abdul Karim. The accused, implicated in over 15 cases, was also charged with brandishing weapons and causing a disturbance on December 18 in the Rakhial and Bapunagar areas of the city.
The civic body executed the demolition under heavy police protection.
“A video circulated widely on December 18 showed miscreants behaving inappropriately with the police. Subsequently, a complaint was lodged, and this house was identified as belonging to one of the accused in the case. While the land itself is privately owned, the construction on it is illegal, as it was undertaken without an approved plan. In accordance with GDCR guidelines and AMC regulations, notices were issued and time was allotted. Today, the demolition of the illegal structure was completed,” stated an AMC official.
In order to prevent any mishaps, the authorities also cut off the gas and electricity connections before to the demolition.
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