CBI has arrested a Superintendent of Customs and his collaborator in a case of a bribe of Rs. 25000/-. The Superintendent, identified as Sunil Menon is working at the Paldi division of the department, whereas his accomplice Pravin Vaghela is hired on a contractual basis.
The accused demanded a bribe for providing self-sealing permission for their manufacturing unit. The complainant is one of the partners in a merchant exporter Partnership Firm. The initial demand for a bribe was Rs. 30000/-
The officer who hails from Kerala and his accomplice were caught in the trap set by CBI when the complainant reached them. The accused were caught accepting a bribe of Rs.25000/- The trap was set at Hudco Building, Ishwar Bhuvan at Navrangpura in Ahmedabad.
CBI has conducted searches at the residences and premises of the accused in Ahmedabad and Kerala. CBI has recovered certain documents, some of which are related to property.
CBI will produce the accused before the competent court.
Also Read: Ambitious Judge More Dangerous Than Bribe-taking Judge – Justice Pardiwala