As the excitement for IPL Final in Ahmedabad keeps roaring, the officials and organisers are busy making security arrangements for the conclusive match. The arrival of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Home Minister Amit Shah has alerted the officials even more. The two teams, one being Gujarat Titans, will play the final match at Narendra Modi Stadium on May 29.
Celebrity Shower At NaMo Stadium
PM Modi and Shah would visit Gujarat on May 28 for various functions in different districts. Jitu Vaghani, Gujarat Education Minister and Spokesperson informed the media on Wednesday about the upcoming meetings in Gujarat. Further, the events are ahead of the Gujarat Legislative elections in December 2022.
Moreover, the Narendra Modi Stadium will witness the presence of many Bollywood stars and crucial guests on Sunday. For these reasons, the organisers have made necessary securities. Rajasthan Royal and Royal Challengers Bangalore will also play the IPL (Indian Premier League) Qualifier 2 at Narendra Modi Stadium, Ahmedabad.
The IPL organisers have deployed six thousand police personnel in Ahmedabad for the next two days. Further, to strengthen the security at the Narendra Modi Stadium, the Gujarat government has deployed State Reserve Police, Rapid Action Force, and other agencies. Sanjay Srivastava, Commissioner of Police, Ahmedabad, told the Indian Express, “We have deployed around 17 DCPs, 4 DIGSs, 28 ACPs, and 51 police inspectors. Apart from this, there will be 268 sub-inspectors, over 5,000 constables, and 1,000 home guards. There will also be three companies of the SRP.”
The IPL Final 2022 is a festival for people across India. The last match of the series at the Narendra Modi Stadium will have a 50-minute closing ceremony. Gujarat Titans have already grabbed a place in the finals. Now, the people are anticipating knowing their opponent. The organisers expect more than 1 lakh 20 thousand people in the stadium.
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