As Mahakumbh 2025 approaches in Uttar Pradesh’s Prayagraj, the Adani Group has drawn attention with its spiritual initiatives under the ‘Seva Hi Saadhna Hai’ pledge. Gautam Adani, Chairman of the Adani Group, met with Trustees and officials of Gita Press on Friday and announced a significant gesture to distribute one crore copies of ‘Aarti Sangrah’ free of charge to the devotees participating in the Shahi Snan at the Sangam.
Gautam Adani shared the announcement on his social media platform X, stating, “It is a matter of immense satisfaction for us that in this Mahayagna, with the cooperation of the esteemed institution Gita Press, we are offering one crore copies of ‘Aarti Sangrah’ free of cost to the devotees who have come to Kumbh.”
He also posted pictures of his meeting with the Trustees of Gita Press, expressing his admiration for their century-long service to the nation through the dissemination of Sanatan literature.
“Today, I was inspired by meeting the respected officials of Gita Press, who have been serving the nation for 100 years through Sanatan literature and had the privilege of expressing my gratitude to the excellent service work of Gita Press,” he wrote.
Gita Press, based in Gorakhpur, is India’s largest publisher of Hindu religious texts and scriptures. Established during colonial times, it has been credited with safeguarding the Hindu faith. Recently, it faced financial challenges but regained prominence after the Pran Pratishtha ceremony of Ram Lalla led to increased demand for Ramcharitmanas.
Adani Group, ISKCON Partner to Provide ‘Mahaprasad Seva’
Meanwhile, the Adani Group has also partnered with the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) to provide meals to devotees and pilgrims during the Shahi Snan and Kumbh Mela. The initiative, named ‘Mahaprasad Seva’, will begin with the start of the Maha Kumbh Mela on January 13 and will continue throughout the event.
Meals will be prepared at two kitchens located within and outside the Mela area and distributed across 40 locations within the Maha Kumbh site. A team of 2,500 volunteers will support the effort, which aims to serve meals to 50 lakh devotees.
Also Read: Adani Group, ISKCON Partner for ‘Mahaprasad Seva’ at Maha Kumbh 2025