On the eve of the Bhagwant Mann government completing its first month in office on Saturday, the party tweeted late Friday: “Now you won’t have to wait for five years to see promises being fulfilled. A big announcement for the people of Punjab tomorrow.”
The AAP government in Punjab announced monthly 300 units of free power for every household from July 1, a key poll-promise by the Arvind Kejriwal-led led party.
The state currently provides free power to the agricultural sector. Besides, it provides 200 units of free power to all Scheduled Castes, backward castes and the below poverty line (BPL) households.
Given the huge financial implications of the pre-poll promises, the party has tried to tread cautiously and announcements on key “guarantees” to voters are awaited. For instance, the major promise of Rs 1,000 to every woman above 18 years of age will cost the exchequer over Rs 12,000 crore per year.
In the first cabinet meeting, it was also decided to provide 25,000 government jobs to the youth in the state. Of these, 10,000 jobs will be for various positions in the Punjab Police
All eyes will be on the first budget of the AAP government as it will also reflect the financial allocations made for the key projects.
Decisions already taken by the Mann government include setting up of Anti Gangster Task Force, opening of a sub-office of the CMO in every district, door – step delivery of ration to the poor, installation of CCTV cameras at sand mining sites, no hike in fees of private school for the current session and regularisation of services of 35,000 Group C and D government employees.