Ahmedabad city faces a spike in dengue and chikungunya cases as well. As per reports by AMC cases registered were at 432 but this year it has taken a sudden spike with a number of 3,089 cases. These are the cases reported through the 125 private and government general hospitals, which provides AMC with reports and records of such diseases every year.
Chikungunya cases shot up to 1,725 this year till 25th December. As per the previous reports it has been the highest this year, in 2019 only 183 cases were reported, with a number of 923 cases it had shot up in 2020. AMC Health Official stated his concerns in this matter saying that “We fear that chikungunya cases will rise further by the end of February. We will be intensifying our house visits and will inform families about Aedes Aegypti mosquito breeding, which is now a cause of concern.”
On the other hand cases of malaria were just at 983 this year and only 8 cases of malaria were reported this December. Among waterborne diseases, the number of Typhoid cases has also doubled reaching upto 2,154; the city also reported 64 cases of cholera and the number of Jaundice cases has also doubled reaching upto 1,433