Ahmedabad city BJP unit general secretary Jitubhai Patel has said that a Cricket Tournament League named after Article 370, involving all seven Vidhan Sabha constituencies falling in Gandhinagar parliamentary constituency which Home Minister Amit Shah represent is in the final stage of planning.
A meeting of more than 200 party workers is already called and various responsibilities assigned for starting the tournament from Mid December. Jagdish Vishwakarma, Minister in Gujarat Government who organised the Karnavati Premier League (KPL) in Ahmedabad five years ago, has been roped in to plan the tournaments.
Gandhinagar Lok Sabha Premier League 370, or GLPL 370 will have all the seven assembly segments Vejalpur, Ghatlodia, Naranpura, Sabarmati, Kalol, Gandhinagar (North) and Sanand representing various teams. The sports legue sis planned for Cricker and kabaddi.
The stated intention of organising the events is to bring future voters towards BJP. The target is to have at least two teams in each ward, one each for cricket and kabaddi. Currently open for men only, the cricket matches will be played using tennis balls at grounds rented from local private owners. WhatsApp groups will be used for publicity for the tournament.
When will the tournament start?