A Nagar Kirtan was taken out to celebrate the 552nd birth anniversary of Guru Nanak Dev in Ahmedabad, on Sunday. Hundreds gathered to celebrate this auspicious festival as part of the entourage of Guru Granth Sahib.
The procession was organised by the trust of Gurudwara Gobind Dham. The procession began around 2.15 pm and reached back to gurudwara at 7:30 pm, route of this Ngara Kirtan began from Gurudwara Gobind Dham at Thaltej – Vatsrapur Lake-Mansi circle- Judges Bulgow-Pakwan Circle-Gurudwara Gobind Dham.
Ishwar Singh Jagat Singh Gurudutt, President, Gurudwara Govinddham, Thaltej said “Due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, we only received permission for 400 individuals. So, people come to the Gurudwara, pray and then make room for others.”
“However, we do not have the data for the total number of people. I have been volunteering my time here for 27 years. Without any type of bias of caste and creed, we have been doing service. Even during these last two years of the pandemic, we organised Langhar – free food service. We have paid fees for the students who were not able to pay the fees. We believe in serving humanity, not in caste or any other bias,” he added.
It was led by Panj Pyare (the five beloveds of the Guru), who are followed by the Guru Granth Sahib, the holy Sikh scripture, which was placed in a decorated car. Spiritual elements were involved in this procession making the atmosphere joyous. Constant chants of ardas and Gurbani were heard along with peppy spiritual songs. There was a huge entourage in front and back of the truck carrying the Guru Granth Sahib. The entourage consists of camel carts, decorated cars, horses riding by Nihang Sikhs.
The Nagar Kirtan only happens twice on, Guru Nanak Gurupurab and Guru Govind Gurupurab. It is a religious festival held to honour the holy scripture Guru Granth Sahib. Nagar Kirtans are ways of celebrating Gurpurabs and taking the Guru Granth into the community.
The Kirtan involves the processional singing of holy hymns throughout a community. While practised at any time, this procession is usually customarily done in April the month of Vaisakhi.