Reliance Industries Ltd (RIL) has reported a net profit at Rs 13, 680 crore, July-Sept quarter FY22, a rise of 11.4 per cent compared with the previous quarter, where net profit stood at Rs 12,273 crore. EBITDA for the second quarter of FY22 stood at Rs 26,020 crore compared to Rs 23,368 in the first quarter. In the July-September quarter revenue came in at Rs 1.58 lakh crore against the first quarter of FY22, Rs 1.4 lakh crore. Reliance Jio had a net profit of Rs 3,528 crore in the July-Sept quarter.
On the stock performance front, RIL share price has risen 42 per cent in the last six months and reached an all-time high of Rs 2,745 on 19 October. Reliance Industries has made investments in various green power energy organizations globally. Between August-October this year, RIL bought stakes in four companies’ organizations around the world — REC Solar, Ambri, NexWafe, and S&W Solar. RIL ‘s retail arm signed up to bring 7-Eleven stores to India. It also purchased a 40% stake in Manish Malhotra Fashions and a 52% stake in the Ritu Kumar label.