The much-anticipated Mahakumbh, held every 12 years, is set to commence on January 14 in Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh. As preparations continue at full pace, a significant contribution to the event has come from the cloth market of Surat, Gujarat. Approximately 15 lakh metres of fabric have been supplied from Surat’s cloth market to Prayagraj within just one month, facilitating the construction of an extensive number of tents and pavilions for the event.
The surge in demand has generated business worth Rs 50 crore for Surat’s pavilion and cloth traders. Notably, saffron-coloured fabric emerged as the most sought-after, with a large quantity of saffron-coloured flags also dispatched for the event.
The president of the Surat Mandap Cloth Association stated that the Mahakumbh has proved highly beneficial for traders. “Typically, pavilion cloth is supplied to various states throughout the year. However, in just one month, we’ve achieved two months’ worth of business, with approximately 15 lakh metres of cloth sent to Prayagraj,” he said.
The exceptional demand for saffron-coloured cloth reflects its spiritual significance, with traders reporting substantial orders for saffron-coloured flags as well. Other fabrics, including white, red, blue and fanta (a vibrant orange shade), were also in demand.
The Mahakumbh, a global spiritual event, has not only drawn devotees from across the world but also boosted economic activity. The large-scale event has created employment opportunities for small and large businesses alike.
In Prayagraj, the preparations include the construction of numerous tents and pavilions, many of which rely on fabrics supplied by Surat. These facilities are designed to accommodate the millions of visitors expected to attend the holy gathering.
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