A fraudulent Telegram account impersonating former IPS officer and current GPSC Chairman Hasmukh Patel, using his name and photograph to promote a ‘Ponzi’ scheme on social media, has been uncovered. The scheme falsely promises to quadruple investments in a short time.
Taking to X (formerly Twitter), he stated, “A complaint has been lodged at Gandhinagar Sector-21 Police Station against the person responsible for creating a fake Telegram account using details from my Twitter account.”
Patel’s name was used by the fake Telegram account to share false advertisements for a “one-for-four” scheme. In order to lure victims, fraudsters are now using fraudulent social media identities and promoting false offers. To find the people responsible for this scam, police are conducting an investigation.
Youth activist Yuvrajsinh Jadeja highlighted the issue on his social media account, warning the public: “Be wary of scammers. Fraudsters are exploiting the name and photograph of former Gujarat Police Recruitment Chairman and current GPSC Chairman, ex-IPS officer Hasmukh Patel, to promote fake schemes on Telegram. Stay vigilant and stay safe.”
Known for his distinguished professional record, Patel has held important positions at Bhavnagar Railways, Porbandar and Surat Railways as an SP. He has also held important positions in the State Monitoring Cell and Anti-Corruption Bureau.
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