The much-anticipated premiere of Pushpa 2 at Sandhya Theatre on RTC Cross Roads in Hyderabad turned into a scene of chaos and tragedy on December 4. A stampede-like situation erupted as thousands of fans gathered to catch a glimpse of superstar Allu Arjun, leading to the death of a 39-year-old woman and leaving her nine-year-old son in critical condition.
Revathi, a resident of Dilsukhnagar, attended the premiere with her husband Bhaskar and their two children, Sri Tej, 9 and Sanvika, 7. The excitement intensified when Allu Arjun made a surprise appearance at the venue, accompanied by heavy police and security personnel.
As fans surged forward in a frenzy to see the actor, Revathi and her son were caught in the commotion and lost consciousness. Police immediately rushed the injured duo to Durga Bhai Deshmukh Hospital in Vidyanagar, where Revathi was pronounced dead on arrival. Sri Tej, in a critical condition, was later transferred to KIMS Hospital in Begumpet for further treatment.
Revathi’s body was subsequently moved to the Gandhi Mortuary for post-mortem examination.
The stampede occurred around 10:30 pm as police struggled to control the crowd that had gathered outside the theatre. Despite the efforts of security forces, the sheer volume of fans created a dangerous situation.
After the screening, Allu Arjun briefly emerged from his vehicle to wave to fans and requested them to clear the path for other vehicles. He was escorted out of the area under heavy police protection.
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