The new cabinet under Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel met at Gandhinagar wherein certain significant decisions were taken and ministers along with the concerned officers were provided with some instructions to be followed. Revenue Minister, Rajendra Trivedi and education minister, Jitu Vaghani briefed the press about the meeting.
The instructions given to the ministers and the officials of various ministries include mandatory presence two days a week – Mondays and Tuesdays. Also, the officials are asked to not let the legislators, coming on their visit, wait outside for long and respectfully calls them in and ask them to wait.
On the issue of heavy rains, Education Minister Jitu Vaghani said that the Chief Minister visited Jamnagar and inspected the quality and also conducted a survey of total damage caused due to it and the amount of flood relief has been increased. Assistance for housing in the affected area was fixed at Rs 3800 which has been increased by Rs 3200 to Rs 7000. Assistance in animal mortality was Rs 30000 for three animals which have been increased by Rs 20000 to Rs 50000.
Assistance will be provided for the damage in the three affected districts – Rajkot, Jamnagar and Junagadh.