Union minister Jitendra Singh on Monday released the theme for the “National Science Day 2023″, titled “Global Science for Global Wellbeing” said that as India enters 2023, the theme indicates India’s emerging global role and rising visibility in the international arena.
According to the minister, the theme will be in sync with India assuming the presidency of G-20, as it becomes the voice of the global south that is the developing countries of Asia, Africa and South America.
He said that “We are ready for outcome oriented global collaboration to address global challenges. When concerns, challenges and benchmarks have assumed global dimensions, the redressal should also be of the global nature. The theme was chosen for the purpose of raising public appreciation of scientific issues in a global context.
Further, “Today, Indian scientific breakthroughs have reached from the lab to the land, indeed applications of science are being used by every household to bring ‘Ease of Living’ for the common man. It also heralds a new era to provide opportunities to people and scientific fraternity in the country and abroad to come together, work together and experience the joy of doing science for the wellbeing of mankind.”
Every year on February 28th, the National Science Day commemorates the discovery of the ‘Raman Effect’ by Indian physicist Sir C. V. Raman on that date in 1928.
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