The Indian Coast Guard (ICG) rescued 12 crew members of a cargo ship that was sinking on Sunday. According to a Defense announcement, the operation was conducted on Saturday after the Mumbai-based ICG Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre (MRCC) received a distress signal at around 11 am.
According to reports, the Motorized Supply Vessel (MSV) is severely inundated and sinking. All 12 Indian crew members were transferred to Motor Tanker (MT) Searanger before the vessel sank. On the way to Djibouti, the Indian MSV “Nigahen Karam” received a call reporting uncontrollable flooding.
Following the contact, the MRCC notified all nearby vessels of the situation and worked with the MRSC (Maritime Rescue Sub Centre), Porbandar, to arrange for a Motor Tanker (MT) Searanger to be diverted in order to offer the vessel with prompt assistance. In addition, the ICG ship ‘Sarthak’ operating in the area was also diverted and the ICG fast interceptor class ship C-152 was immediately sailed from Vadinar (in Devbhumi Dwarka district of Gujarat).
The crew members were transferred from MT Searanger to the ICG ship and brought to Vadinar. After a preliminary medical investigation, they were handed over to the owner of the vessel.
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