On the auspicious occasion of Vijayadashami, Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel along with the Chief Minister’s security personnel performed ‘Shastra Pujan’ at the Chief Minister’s residence. The tradition of worshipping weapons every year on Vijayadashami of security personnel deployed in the security system of the Chief Minister was started by the present Country’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi during his tenure as chief minister in Gujarat. Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel carried forward this tradition and worshipped his weapons with the chanting of Vedic mantras along with the personnel of the police force handling his security arrangements.
At the same time, he extended Vijayadashami greetings to all the security personnel and appreciated the duty of the police force for the protection of the nation, the people of the state, for social security. On the occasion, the Chief Minister extended Vijayadashami greetings to the personnel of the police force handling their security arrangements and appreciated the duty of the police force for the protection and social security of the nation, the people of the state. The Chief Minister of Gujarat had started shastra puja on the day of Vijayadashami to increase the morale of the policemen as the Gujarat Police is working day and night in the service of the people.
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