On the second day of his two-day Gujarat visit, PM Modi inaugurated the Smriti Van Memorial. During his address to the gathering, PM Modi said, “Smriti Van Memorial and Veer Bal Smarak are the symbols of shared pain of Kutch, Gujarat and the entire country. Our pledge to dedicate a memorial to the children who lost their lives during the 2001 Kutch Earthquake has come true. I honour it to the families who lost their loved ones during the tragedy.”
PM Modi: ‘Jisne Kutch Nahi Dekha Usne Kuch Nahi Dekha’
Talking about the recovery and progress that Kutch made after the earthquake that occurred 0on January 26, 2001, PM Modi said, “Everything has a glimpse of Kutch’s struggle, suffering, and vindication in Smriti Van Memorial. Many said that Kutch will never be able to stand on its feet. But today, the people of Kutch have completely changed the scenario.” He added, “You can see that amidst death and disaster, we made some resolutions in 2001, and we realized them today. Similarly, what we resolve today, we will surely realize in 2047.”
Further, PM Modi applauded Kutch for picking up entire Gujarat with itself. Later, he stated, “While Gujarat was dealing with the natural calamity, the period of conspiracies started. To defame Gujarat in the country and the world, one after another conspiracy was hatched to stop the investment here.”
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Prime Minister Narendra Modi mentioned several contributions of Kutch to Gujarat and India. He also expressed his gratitude toward the people of Kutch. As the Prime Minister recalled many emotions in his heart he remembered the victims of the earthquake and shared his memories of the tragic incident.
He said, “I remember when the earthquake happened, I reached here on the second day itself. I was not the Chief Minister then, I was a simple party worker. I didn’t know how, and how many people I would be able to help. But I decided that I will be here among you all in that hour of grief. And, when I became Chief Minister, the experience of service helped me a lot.”
PM Modi also mentioned the benefits of the canal that connects Narmada water to many areas of Kutch. He appreciated the people for making unprecedented strides in cattle rearing and milking productions. Furthermore, the Prime Minster mentioned the several projects operating in Kutch and how the district is leading in industries like cement and salt. He also lauded the art, culture and heritage of Kutch.
Read More: PM Modi At Gujarat Khadi Utsav: Khadi To Go ‘Local To Global’