The Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) has detained Shailesh Chandra Mehta, the principal of Sir Bhavanisinh Vidyalay, in Danata, Banaskantha, and Naresh Joshi, a peon of the District Education Officer’s (DEO) office, for taking bribes in exchange of government jobs. The two men were caught red-handed while accepting a bribe of Rs16 lakhs.
The operation came about when a man filed a complaint against the two men. He said he had gone to ask for a job for his son when the two men demanded money from him. He wanted his son to be posted as a clerk in the education department. In the complaint, he said that Joshi introduced him to Mehta, who then demanded Rs16 lakhs in exchange for the job.
The ACB officials assured the complainant that strict action will be taken against the two men. The officials, however, asked the complainant to meet the two men with the sum of money, so that they can be arrested red-handed.
The police have detained Joshi and Mehta and begun legal proceedings against them.