The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) team yesterday confiscated an AgustaWestland helicopter from builder Avinash Bhosale’s Pune residence in connection with the Rs34,615 crore DHFL scam. The team has been conducting searches at various locations to seize assets that were bought from the proceeds of the scam.
In June this year, the CBI booked Dewan Housing Finance Ltd (DHFL), its former CMD Kapil Wadhawan, director Deepak Wadhawan and others in a bank fraud case worth Rs34,615 crore. This is so far the biggest fraud case that is being investigated by the probe agency.
Those who are booked have been accused of cheating a consortium of 17 banks, led by Union Bank of India. Allegedly, the accused defrauded the banks of Rs34,615 crore by diverting them and falsifying account books of DHFL.