Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel attended a meeting with NITI Aayog CEO Parameswaran Iyer in Gandhinagar. On his one-day visit to Gujarat, Parameswaran Iyer met the CM, who briefed him about the progress of various flagship schemes of many departments, including Agriculture, Education, and Housing.
CEO of NITI Aayog closely observed the dashboard activities of Jansamwad Kendra. According to the sources, monitoring of developmental works and public welfare programs undertaken by the Gujarat Government with over 3,000 indicators impressed the CEO of NITI Aayog, Parameswaran Iyer.
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Moreover, he also applauded the functioning of Jansamwad Kendra, a body receiving feedback from the beneficiaries of various state government schemes. Chief Minister’s Additional Chief Secretary Pankaj Joshi and Secretary Avantika Singh briefed the CEO of NITI Aayog about the functioning and working methods of the CM Dashboard and Jansamwad Kendra.
Chief Secretary Shri Pankajkumar, Additional Chief Secretary Agriculture Shri Mukesh Puri, Principal Secretary Education Shri S. J. Haider, Principal Secretary, Finance Department Mr J.P. Gupta, Urban Development Department Principal Secretary Mr Mukesh Kumar and Planning Secretary and Housing Commissioner Mr Rakesh Shankar were present.
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