West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee rolled an all-out attack on the Centre on Thursday, claiming that the BJP will be swept from power at the Centre by the people’s mandate in 2024.
Mamata announced a protest march to Delhi against the BJP with youths and students at an impressive Martyr’s Day Rally in Kolkata’s Esplanade.
Speaking at a massive TMC rally here, Banerjee also blasted the BJP for “destroying” the country’s institutions, claiming that those who played no role in the country’s independence struggle are now attempting to rewrite its history.
“The people’s mandate will sweep the BJP from power in 2024. They will be crushed. “I can confidently predict that the BJP will not obtain a single-party majority and that once that occurs, others will band together to form the next government,” she said.
“Break the BJP’s prison, bring people’s government in 2024,” the fiery Trinamool Congress chief said to thunderous applause at the Martyrs’ Day rally.
The Trinamool chief accused the BJP of attempting to destabilise governments across the nation. “They tried to defeat us in West Bengal, but they couldn’t,” Mamata said.
She urged Trinamool supporters to work hard for the party’s victory in states such as Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Tripura and Goa. “We will collaborate with other parties in UP and Bihar,” Mamata stated.
The Trinamool chief slammed the Centre’s decision to levy GST on a variety of food products. “Now that GST has been imposed on puffed rice, will BJP supporters avoid eating it? Sweets, lassi, and curd are subject to GST. What will people eat?” she stated.
Every year on July 21, the TMC commemorates Martyrs’ Day to remember the deaths of 13 people in the police shooting at a Youth Congress rally against the then-Left Front government in 1993, when Banerjee was the YC state president. Even after forming the Trinamool Congress in 1998 and taking power in West Bengal in 2011, she continues to observe the day.
Read Also: Agnipath Row: WB CM Mamata Banerjee Alleges ‘BJP Trying To Create Armed Cadre Base’