Shri Amarnath Shrine Board (SASB) yesterday said that it had launched an integrated online facility for performing virtual darshan, pooja, and hawan for the devotees who were unable to embark on the annual yatra this year. The devotees can book the slots for these purposes and enjoy a personalized experience. They can use the board’s official website or even use the application to get their bookings.
The board has set different rituals and poojas at varied prices starting Rs1100, with special hawan costing Rs5100. The priests will perform special; rituals in the name of the devotee, who will be able to enjoy online broadcasts for the same. The board has made special arrangements so as to dispatch prasad to the devotees within 48 hours.
‘Maximizing the use of available technology and digitization, the devotees would be let in a virtual online room through Jio meet application wherein they can have a special virtual Pooja and Darshan of Lord Shiva,” SASB CEO Nitishwar Kumar said.