In a case that tugs an emotional chord, as much it tells about fan following in India, here comes a story. A Gujarat-based Varun Dhawan fan reached out to the star seeking help from an abusive father who “abuses and assaults her and her mother.” The SOS was sent out on June 6. The actor replied on June 7 and got down to set matters right.
Sure enough, star power helped and Ahmedabad Police swung into action. The accused was arrested on Saturday.
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The arrest has been lauded by the star and underscores the state police’s swift action.
The user wrote: “Respected Sir, I have been beaten and abused by my father several times. He abuses me and my mother every single day. He, for days doesn’t let me eat food, also threatens us by using curse words and abusive language.” Varun replied to the fan who asked for help alleging she and her mother are facing domestic abuse from her father. The star assured his fan that he will speak to authorities about the matter.
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Earlier, the girl had apprised Varun that she complained against him once but the Gujarat Police let him off after a few hours. She shared that her father repeated the same cycle.
Varun noticed the fan’s tweet and responded to it. He wrote: “This is an extremely serious matter and if this is true I will help you and speak to the authorities.” The fan retweeted his post, and also thanked him for coming forward to help her.
However, this time around, seems the police are in no mood to relent. “A detailed investigation into the matter has been initiated,” shared tight-lipped police sources.
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