The Lilavati Lalbhai Library at CEPT University has been selected by the Aga Khan Award for Architecture (AKAA) amongst the 20 shortlisted projects for the 2022 Award cycle. The 20 shortlisted projects were selected by an independent Master Jury from a pool of 463 projects nominated for the 15th Award Cycle (2020-2022).
The Lilavati Lalbhai Library is the only project selected from India for this award cycle, along with projects from 15 other countries. The Master Jury meets again this summer to examine the on-site reviews and determine the final recipients of the Award. The projects will compete for a share of the US$ 1 million prize, one of the largest in architecture.
Designed by architect and CEPT alum Rahul Mehrotra, the library, completed in 2017, acts as a living case study of passive climate mitigation strategies, high on the teaching agenda at CEPT. Its materials respect those of the campus’s existing buildings, placing three of its six storeys underground keeps it within their height datum. Centrally located, it has separate and equal entrances on each side. Complete with an operating manual for students, its modulated, louvred façades can be manually adjusted to admit less light or more ventilation.
Established in 1977 by His Highness the Aga Khan, The Aga Khan Award for Architecture recognises examples of architectural excellence in the fields of contemporary design, social housing, community improvement and development, historic preservation, reuse, and area conservation, as well as landscape design and improvement of the environment.
CEPT University focuses on understanding, designing, planning, constructing, and managing human habitats. Its teaching programs aim to build thoughtful professionals and its research programs deepen understanding of human settlements.
Also Read: Architecture Book Re-Launched At CEPT