An exhibition of paintings by Indian poet-diplomat Abhay K. titled ‘UniVerse’ opened at the Akademia Malagasy (the national academy of Madagascar) on Thursday in Madagascar’s capital Antananarivo in presence of the President of the Academy Pr. Rajaoson François and other dignitaries.
Commenting on the art exhibition curator and Research Repository, Asian Heritage Foundation, Yamini D. Shah said — “Suprematism is at its best here… as Kazimir Malevich deconstructed art itself. I was intrigued, and to put it in the words of Lissitzky, “Ultimate illusion of irrational space” posited alongside spiritual and spatial understanding of the third dimension” magnifies the Abhay K.’s outlook. It illuminates the urge for expansion of art practice, ideation, perspectives and conviviality. Paradigm of planetism, Vasudhaiva Kutambakam are not only tropes for art exhibits but translate into a worldview that Abhay K. inhabits and enables others to envision. In the Kantian way, Abhay K. exudes a ‘universal state of human’ kindness.”
Abhay K. has earlier exhibited his paintings in St. Petersburg, Paris, Delhi and Brasilia. He uses various media, geometrical forms and colours to highlight the beauty of the universe which he prefers to call as ‘UniVerse’ or One Verse.
Art critic Stanislav Savitsky said, “In his artworks, Abhay creates an allegory of planetary consciousness -emblems of the unity of the people. He draws images of spiritual unity and futuristic reworking of figurative and suprematic motives.”