It took 12 instances of question papers leaked before government service recruitment exams for the Bhupendra Sarkar-led Gujarat cabinet to sit up and take note. In the latest update to dealing with the menace, a stringent law was passed in the new session of the State Assembly, Thursday. The ruling, a copy of which is with Vibes Of India, has been drafted by the Law Ministry.
The Gujarat Public Examination Bill (2023), in effect, stipulates 10 years imprisonment along with a fine of Rs 1 crore for offenders.
It may be recalled that the junior clerk exam scheduled for January 29 was cancelled hours before the exam was to start. Aspirants were left disgruntled given that the exam had been successively cancelled owing to paper leaks. In fact, as a fallout, the chairman of the Gujarat Panchayat Selection Board was also changed.
Sharing details, an insider added: “All offences under the Act will be non-bailable. Further, a minimum of five years and a maximum of 10 years imprisonment, and a fine of up to Rs 1 lakh has been reserved for candidates guilty of misconduct during the examination. For those involved in leaking the paper, the fine stands at a non-negotiable Rs 1 crore.”
The Act also debars candidates guilty of misconduct from appearing for any public examination for two years. “Movable and immovable property of the fraudsters like stand to be confiscated for recovery of illegal earnings. Further, if the Court deems fit, it can also charge all costs incurred towards the cancelled examination, from the liable party/parties,” briefed a high-ranking official.
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